Who Else Wants Access To The Remote Control Naturals Use To Turn Up The Sexual Vibe & Tap Into A Woman's Deepest Emotions, Giving You The Power To Ethically Compel Her To Do Things She'd Normally Never Do With You?

If There’s Any Part Of You That’s At All Curious & You’re A Heterosexual Male… Then You Can’t Afford NOT To Read Every Word Of This Letter Right Now… Because It’s Uncertain How Much Longer This Info Will Be Available...


From: Swinggcat
Author of "Real World Seduction"

Dear Friend,

Have you ever been talking to a hottie and...

  • She wasn't fully present?
  • Her eyes roved the room for something more interesting to pay attention to than you?
  • Her guard was up and she wouldn't even give you a chance?
  • She couldn't or didn't want to relate to you?
  • You sensed there was zero connection?
  • Even though she was polite, you sensed she had zero sexual interest in you?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, YOU'RE NOT ALONE.

I've experienced each one of these things.

Night-after-night, I'd try to talk to hotties and all they'd do is cross their arms and roll their eyes at me.

When it happened, I'd think...

Is she a bitch to everyone?

Or is she refusing to make an effort because she thinks she's better than me?

Minutes later, my pudgy friend Rick would slide in and effortlessly vibe with her.

Her protective guard would disappear and she'd banter with Rick like he was an old hookup buddy.

Shortly after, he'd start making out with her.

This made me seethe with jealousy.

Sure, when I shared common interests and experiences with a woman, I could relate to and vibe with her.

But the vibe lacked any sexual spark.

And when I didn't have anything in common with a woman, I couldn't vibe with her at all.

One night, I asked a group of friends, "Why can Rick relate, connect, and vibe with any woman and we can't?"

What they said next angered me to no end...

"Rick's a Natural. He was born with charm. Stop torturing yourself. You can't learn what he's got."

I wouldn't accept their words. Rick was cut from the same cloth as you and me.

So I spent the next two years watching Rick, studying rick, analyzing Rick, and modeling Rick.


I Extracted A Learnable & Repeatable Structure For Sexually Vibing With Any Woman - Even If You Have Nothing In Common With Her.

Inside my course Natural Vibing, I'm going to share step-by-step the entire structure for naturally vibing with women in a way that gets them into your bed.

How Good Would It Feel Knowing That You Could Naturally Charm The Pants (Or Skirt) Off A Woman By The End Of Night?


Here's A Sneak Peek At What You'll Learn Inside The Natural Vibing Audio Course...


  • My Complete System For Naturally Initiating The Vibe With A Female Stranger...

Two things prevent men from initiating the vibe with women: Fear and Pickup Lines.

In order to initiate the vibe with a woman, you need to accurately read the current vibe she's in.

Fear blinds you from seeing the vibe a woman's in.

The problem with canned pickup lines is that they rarely fit the vibe a woman's in.

My system teaches you how to control your fear, read a woman's vibe, and naturally start vibing with her.

Imagine Effortlessly Approaching & Vibing With Girl After Girl Throughout The Night...

& Instead Of Going Home Alone, You Get To Choose Your Pick Of The Crop.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover...

  • My 7-part system for initiating the vibe with any woman.
  • Step-by-step instructions on initiating the vibe in every major possible scenario you'd spot a woman you'd like to meet. (After you listen to this section, you'll have the knowledge to initiate the vibe with women in 97% of all situations.)
  • How to vibe with women when you're with a wingman. (This may seem obvious. But it's actually a subtle art. Doing it the wrong way is worse than having halitosis breath around women.)
  • The source of your fear and the secret to controlling it for good.
  • A neurological switch inside you that mutates fear and anxiety into confidence and puts your brain on mental steroids, making you wittier, smarter, and funnier.
  • A mind game ladies men play with themselves that triples your confidence, crushes your fear, and increases your ability to vibe with women by 300%.
  • Body language secrets that make women want to vibe with you. .
  • Boot camp style exercises that make the 7-part system a part of who you are.


How Good Will It Feel To Possess The Power To Vibe With Any Woman You Desire At Any Time & In Any Situation?

What a few men had to say about the Natural Vibing course...

"Approaching women always felt awkward for me. But enter your Natural Vibing course. Damn. The whole process is just so natural now. Thanks dude."

Russell from California

"Honest man. I thought my problem was looks. But since your course I realized something. Something bad. I wasn't connecting with women. But after studying NV I got my vibing skills in shape and now I'm pulling more tail than I know what to do with."

Joe from Hawaii

  • A Method Most Men Will Never Learn That Puts You In Control Of The Vibe & Gives You The Power To Turn It Sexual At Any Moment...

Conversations seem to consist of conversational threads or topics.

These conversational threads seem to take conversations in a certain direction, right?

If you could control the conversational thread from the moment you met a woman, you could take your interaction with her in the direction of your choice, right?


To Take Your Interactions With Women In The Direction You Want, You Need To Control The Vibe.

Vibing consists of both conversational (verbal) and nonverbal threads.

Here's a small list of nonverbal vibing threads...

  • Dancing
  • Looking at each other
  • Smiling together at something funny
  • Experiencing emotions like happiness, sadness, or excitement together.
  • Holding hands
  • Hugging
  • Playing tonsil hockey

Inside Natural Vibing, you'll discover my entire step-by-step method for:

  • Recognizing both verbal and nonverbal vibing threads.
  • Cutting off the damaging threads.
  • Exploiting the useful ones.

This is how naturals control the vibe and why they can turn it sexual at any moment.

Once You Learn To Control The Vibe, You'll Have Complete Control Over Your Sexual Destiny.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover...

  • My complete step-by-step method for recognizing vibing threads, eliminating the bad ones, and exploiting the good ones - so you can get the outcome you want.
  • The Carpe Diem thread - use this and women will seize the moment and sleep with you the same night you meet them.
  • A compliment that makes women emotionally attached to you and compels them to break all their "good girl" rules.
  • 5 secrets that give you complete control over the vibe and allow you to turn it sexual at any moment.
  • The trick to vibing with a woman you initially share little in common with.
  • 2 dozen techniques that create vibing threads out of thin air.
  • A PhD education on exploiting nonverbal vibing threads. (Remember: if you don't recognize and use nonverbal threads, you won't get the girl.)
  • Many psychologists say you need two things in common with someone to form a bond (Inside you'll learn a psychological trick for circumventing this rule.)
  • Dozens of boot camp style exercises for making these techniques a natural part of who you are.

Think Back To The Last Time It Didn't Work Out With A Hottie...

Would Things Have Turned Out Differently If You Could Have Controlled The Vibe?

What a few men had to say about the Natural Vibing course...

"I consider myself a good conversationalist. But my chats with girls rarely went anywhere. your course gave me the missing pieces. So much of vibing is nonverbal. natural vibing gave me the tools to master the nonverbal stuff. now results are rolling in."

John from Colorado

"for years i've been struggling to keep conversations going with women. just didn't know the right thing to say. but natural vibing changed all that. your stuff on vibing threads is amazing. these days i'm able to keep them engaged as long as i want and turn things sexual quickly.

Rod form D.C.

  • A Mind Reading System Exclusively Used By Naturals That Builds The Kind Of Trust & Authority That Makes Women Follow Your Lead & Comply With Each Of Your Requests...

Cold reading demonstrates to women that you understand the deepest depths of their psyche.

When a woman feels that you understand her on this level, the vibe doubles in intensity, the connection fuses, and she sees you as an authority in her world.

The more she sees you as an authority, the more she falls under your influence, follows your lead, and complies with your requests.

Most naturals have never heard of the word "cold reading."

Nor have they memorized any clever or slick cold reading lines.

But they instinctually know how to get into a woman's mind, make her feel more understood than she's ever felt before, and compel her to willingly fulfill each and every one of their desires.

I've taught cold reading in the past.

But over the last couple of years, I've broken down the complete structure naturals use to cold read women.

The best part?

This structure doesn't require you to memorize anything and it's easy to master.

Just Imagine Meeting A Female Stranger, Penetrating The Deepest Depths Of Her Psyche, & Compelling Her To Willingly Fulfill Each One Of Your Whims....

Here Are Just A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover...

  • My entire system for cold reading women like a natural ladies man (It's easy to master and you don't need to memorize anything.)
  • Three secrets I learned from a professional con man that break down a woman's thought process within seconds. (Once you know how a woman thinks, relating and vibing with her becomes effortless.)
  • Five secrets that unveil a complete roadmap of a woman's personality. (These tools dig deep into a woman's psyche and demonstrate a deep level understanding of her.)
  • How to uncover a woman's life story without her saying a single word about it. (Use this and a woman will think you're the first person she's ever met who really gets where she's coming from.)
  • A linguistic trick that makes it next to impossible for her brain to deny the truth of your cold read.
  • A step-by-step dialogue of me cold reading a woman. (Once you listen to this, you'll know exactly how to use my cold reading system on women.)
  • Dozens of boot camp style exercises to burn these cold reading techniques deep into your neurology, so there's no need to memorize anything.


Imagine Possessing So Much Trust & Authority Over A Woman, That She Obeys Each Of Your Commands...


What a few men had to say about the Natural Vibing course...

"I've been a big fan of your cold reading stuff for years, man. Super powerful. But the cold reading system you teach in Natural Vibing has taken things to another level. I used it the other night to get into this girl's mind and within an hour it got me into her pants. I've got plenty more stories like this but enough for now."

Eric from Hollywood

"I've got a terrible memory and am always hesitant to buy pick up courses because they require you to memorize so much stuff. I really liked this course because none of that was needed. I've been especially enjoying the stuff on cold reading. Super powerful."

Don from Texas


  • An Ancient Yet Universal Storytelling Structure That Doubles Your Charisma & Drives Women To See You As Their Romantic Hero...


A big part of charisma is the ability to rouse powerful emotions in other people.

Businessmen use it to close multi-billion dollar deals, politicians use it to win elections, and seducers use it to bed women.

For the past 15 years I've taught storytelling techniques that rouse powerful emotions in women and compel them to relate to you and your life experiences.

Natural Vibing goes a step further...

Mythologist Joseph Campbell discovered that all the myths and stories that have stood the test of time follow the same structure. A structure that makes you care about the protagonist and see him as a hero.

After tinkering with this structure for months, I figured out how to use it to make women see you as their romantic hero.

Inside Natural Vibing, you'll learn this entire structure.

Just Imagine...

One Minute, A Woman's Rolling Her Eyes At You...

And The Next...

Your Her Romantic Hero - The One She's Dreamt About Since She Was A Little Girl.


Here Are Just A Few Of The Storytelling Secrets You'll Learn...

  • Step-by-step instructions on mastering the complete storytelling structure that turns you into a woman's romantic hero.
  • Eight universal archetypes (characters) to include in your stories. (The more of these characters you use in your stories, the more emotions she'll feel for you.)
  • A dark side storytelling secret that puts you deep into a woman's heart and creates a fear of losing you. ( Proceed with caution.)
  • A storytelling secret that compels women in committed relationships to sleep with you. (Use at your own discretion.)
  • A storytelling secret that etches you deep into a woman's memory banks and makes her think about you over and over again.
  • How to create stories that compel women to sleep with you within a few hours of meeting them.
  • Boot camp exercises to tattoo these techniques onto your brain.

Just Imagine...

While You're Telling A Woman A Story, She Begins Seeing You As Her Romantic Hero, Anticipating You Kissing Her, & Wanting You To Sexually Ravage Her.

What a few men had to say about the Natural Vibing course...

"I was never a big fan of storytelling. I hate when people tell me stories because they're usually so boring. I like to give people the same courtesy. But I love love loved the section in Natural Vibing on storytelling. I never thought that stories could make a woman develop such strong feelings for you. and make women sleep with you. But they can. My penis and I thank you. using your system has been a huge lifestyle upgrade."

Ryan from Sheboygan

"The section on storytelling is super cutting-edge stuff, bro. I like that you don't ask us to memorize your stories but teach us how to come up with our own. One's tailored to our personalities."

Fred from Arizona

  • Advanced Role Playing Games That Fuse Deep Level Connections & Turn Sexual Fantasies Into Sexual Intimacy...


Role-playing is acting out make believe scenarios with women.

Because a woman's subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality, she starts to feel all the emotions she's pretending to have.

I've talked about role playing in some of my other courses.

But in Natural Vibing, you'll learn a brand new form of role playing specifically designed to fuse a powerful connection with a woman and turn her sexual fantasy into sexual intimacy.

What If You Could Effortlessly Get A Woman To Act Out Her Sexual Fantasies With You?

Here Are Just A Few Of The Secrets You'll Learn...

  • Sometimes we don't get along with a woman and share nothing in common with her.(Inside you'll learn role playing secrets that turn disconnections into powerful, lasting connections.)
  • My Secret Garden game - this opens up the floodgates to a woman's sexual fantasies.
  • A simple question that forces her brain to consider turning those fantasies into a reality with you. (And 70% of the time, the question compels her to act on her fantasies.)
  • A role-playing game that eliminates your competition and turns your interaction with a woman sexual.
  • An innocent little game that replaces her fantasy man with you.
  • A role playing game that drives her to fulfill each of your requests (Each time she fulfills one, she feels more emotionally attached to you. Hint: this devious little game uses a lot of Push-Pull.)


Luring A Woman Into Sharing Her Sexual Fantasies...

Her Seeing You In Them...

And Her Begging You To Turn Them Into A Reality.

    What a few men had to say about the Natural Vibing course...

"Swinggcat, you wickedly evil genius. I used your Secret Garden game to bang a married woman in less than 2 hours of meeting her. Devious as hell. Keep up the awesome work."

Simon from Berkeley, California

"Huge Swinggcat fan here. Gotta say the roleplaying stuff you share in Nature Vibing should be outlawed. It completely takes away a woman's ability to say no. Only kidding. But with the roleplaying stuff, it's almost scary how quickly you can turn a situation sexual."

Ken from Nevada

    Natural Vibing Is Positively Not For Everybody...

Although this isn't for everyone it is for you...

  • If you want to learn how to naturally vibe with women (or if you're already good at vibing with women and want to take your vibing skills to the next level).
  • If you want to learn how to effortlessly talk and relate to any woman and in any situation.
  • If you want to unleash your natural charisma with women.
  • If you want to naturally turn an ordinary conversation into sexual intimacy within minutes of meeting a female.

Who Natural Vibing Isn't For?

  • Men one-hundred percent satisfied with the results they're getting. (Some men are perfectly content with the mediocre or lack of women in their life. Good for them. If that's you, this course isn't a good fit.)
  • Men who think they have it all figured out and are closed to thinking about things differently even though they aren't getting results.
  • Men in an awesome relationship with an awesome girl.
  • Men experiencing so much success with women, they couldn't possibly handle any more.

Why Natural Vibing Is Different From Other Courses...

  • While other courses focus on what to say, Natural Vibing also delves deep into the nonverbal depths of vibing with women.
  • While other experts offer some great lines, Natural Vibing not only teaches you what to say but how to vibe with any woman in any situation.
  • Instead of just giving you one-size-fits all pick up lines, Natural Vibing develops your charisma and brings out your personality.



Let's Recap What You're Getting:



  • My Complete System For Sparking The Vibe With Any Female Stranger.
  • My Complete System For Quickly Turning Innocent Connections Sexual.
  • My Complete System For Reading Any Woman Like A Natural
  • My Complete System For Telling Stories That Double Your Charisma & Make Her See You As the Romantic Hero.
  • My Complete Role-Playing System For Turning Her Fantasies Into Sexual Intimacy.

Natural Vibing Has Four Volumes:

Each volume gives you the knowledge, the exercises, and the time to internalize each of the techniques. Techniques that make it easy to sexually vibe with girl after girl.

Each volume prepares you for the next, so you never fill overwhelmed.

So you always feel change happening to you effortlessly.

Change in your charisma.

Change in the number of girls you sexually vibe with.

And change in the results you'll get.

After you sign up, you'll get access to Volume One.

15 days after that, you'll get access to Volume Two.

Thirty days after that you'll get access to Volume Three.

And thirty days after that, you'll get access to Volume Four.

Before Natural Vibing became an audio course, it was a live seminar on sexually vibing with women.

To this day, I still receive emails from attendees, telling me it was the best $7,000 they ever spent.

If you knew beyond a shadow of doubt that a $7,000 investment would allow you to sexually vibe with any woman seconds after meeting her, would you make it?

Heck - if this information was available when I was starting out, I would have found a way to get the money for this. It would have saved me years of frustration, sadness, and low self-esteem trying to figure this stuff out on my own.

With the audio version, you get all the same information - plus a lot more.

And your investment today won't even be near $7,000

But hypothetically, imagine the price was $3,500.

Would it be worth $3,500 if this course gave you the tools to tap into a woman's deepest emotions and make her do things with you she would NEVER do with other men?

Over the course of a lifetime, most men spend way more than $3,500 buying women dinners, drinks, and gifts. More often than not, all they get in exchange is a "thank you."

So would it be worth a one-time $3,500 to wield real power over women. Would it worth it to get what you want from women without spending money on dinners, drinks, and gifts?

Is there a woman right now you like who doesn't really like you back?

Would it be worth $3,500 if you could instantly sexually vibe and create chemistry with her?

Would it be worth $3500 if you could make her feel emotions she's never felt with other man?

I'm willing it would be worth a lot more than $3,500.

But your investment today is not even going to cost you $1,000

It's not even going to cost you $500.

Even though the Natural Vibing course will probably save you years of time, frustration, and, not mentioned, thousands of dollars, your investment is $99.97 a volume.

That's much less than most people spend on alcohol a year and sometimes even a month.

It's much much less than a handful of dinners with a woman.

Over the course of a year, it's less than a dollar a day.

Imagine Wielding The Power To Make The Women You Want Do Things They Would NEVER Do With Other Men - All For A Measly 82 Cents A Day.


Take Full Advantage Of My $7 Super Offer...

For years, whenever I wanted to learn about something, I was reluctant to invest money into educational material.

If I had absolute certainty that the investment would pay off, I would have made it in a heartbeat. But becuase I didn't, I wasted years trying to figure stuff out on my own. Years I could have been getting results if only I would have taken a chance.

There's a good chance you're the same way. But life is short and your love life is no laughing matter.

That's why I want you to get full access to Volume One of Natural Vibingfor $7.

Delve into the course... ...

And see for yourself how women respond to you differently once you put Natural Vibing into action.

Best Of All: You Can Get Instant Access To Volume One Of Natural Vibing Right Now...

When you click the "Instant Access" button below, it will take you to a secure order page.

Once you fill out the form, you'll have immediate access to Natural Vibing.

In less than five minutes from now the changes will start. Changes in how you see yourself. Changes in how women respond to you. And big big changes in the results you get.

Click the "Instant Access" button below and take your first step towards genuine confidence, power, and results with the women you desire.


Let me ask you a question point blank...

What if Natural Vibing makes just one woman who normally wouldn't be into you think: "I really connected with him and there's something sexy about his energy. I hope he calls and asks me out"?

Let's up the ante a little...

What if that leads to sex or an amazing relationship?

What would that be worth to you?

Now let's really up the ante...

What if you could create the kind of connections that open up a woman's heart and legs?

And what if Natural Vibing shows you how to create these connections with high quality girl after girl afer girl?

What would that be worth to you? Be honest. A thousand dollars? Ten thousand dollars? A million dollars? For most guys it would be priceless.

When I started out, there weren't any courses like this available. It took me ten long years of hard work in the single scene trenches to figure this stuff out. I would have saved a lot of time, sweat, and hard work if something like this was available back then.

I know that after your first success you'll be thinking, Boy am I glad I made this investment.

After your second, third, fourth, and so on, you'll think, This was one of the best investments of my life.

Unless you become a monk, there are always going to be women you'd like to meet, attract, and date... girls you'd like to fuck... and friends you'd like as lovers...

Are you going to know what to do and say to succeed? Or are you going to let these opportunities pass you by without ever finding out what could have happened?

Just think what would be possible if you possessed the skills to connect and sexually vibe with desirable women?

Click the "Instant Access" button below and take your first step to towards becoming irresistible to the women you want and deserve.


Your Loyal Dating Coach,


P. S. - Every technique, concept, and strategy you learn inside my course has been field tested by me and my students thousands of times. I've included only concepts and techniques that get consistently results. I'm positive you too can experience success with these techniques.

Get this area of your life handled and gain access to the Natural Vibing audio course right now by clicking here.

P.P.S - Still not convinced? Check out what other people are saying about the Natural Vibing audio course...

"I've purchased many NLP, personal development, and dating courses on rapport. While I got a little out of each. None of them really had all the pieces. Then I heard about you and got the Natural Vibing course. Must say your course has each and every needed piece to connect and vibe with women. Good Job."

T from New Mexico

Click here to get Natural Vibing.

"Your course taught me how to be that cool guy that effortly sexually escalates with women and doesn't come across as an awkward dork or super creeper. That's what I used to do but no more."

Gavin from New York

Click here to get Natural Vibing.

"I had two sticking points: vibing and sexual escalation. Your course showed me how interconnected both these skills are and blasted me past my sticking points."

Josh from Oregon

Click here to get Natural Vibing.

"Hello Mr. Swinggcat. Since usin your stuff from course I've slept with 25 girls. 5 fatties, 10 average, 5 above average, and 5 super hotties. And I only got your course two months ago. Damn. Before your course almost never got any girls and if I did it was always the whales."

Jeff from Los Angeles

Click here to get Natural Vibing.







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orld Seduction" and "Swinggcat" are trademarks of Superior Living.